Well, I had this moth in my shower for several days. Just hanging out on the wall. I kept telling him it wasn’t a safe moth place, but he didn’t listen. He sat there and sat there. Then he slipped. I was mid-shower when I saw he was stuck, wings-to-wall, in the moisture of the shower.
So I rinsed off in a hurry (because I’m crazy) and got a piece of toilet paper. I carefully blotted him off until he was dry enough to come free of the wall. He sat damply on the paper for a while. I wondered if he’d ever fly again.
An hour later, a moth landed on my computer monitor. I looked closely: same moth, I swear. He’s a tiny thing, sort of distinctive. I said hello, and welcome to the land of the living, and all the things one says to a moth. You know. He sat on my monitor for some time and eventually he left.
I went to bed. The moth landed on the book I was reading. I said hello again and dubbed him my Pet Moth. He flew to the wall over my head and sat there for hours until I went to sleep.
So today I took a shower. While I was in the shower, I started thinking about my Pet Moth. Suddenly I had a feeling. I looked down… sure enough. My Pet Moth was an inch from going down the drain. I fished him out, set him on the same piece of toilet paper, let him dry. He’s flown off again, miraculously. I wonder where he’ll turn up next. He’ll probably end up in the shower again tomorrow.
My Pet Moth isn’t very smart.
Charming essay. Send more.
what an adorable story. hope he stays safe.
Sweet moth, bonded to light, and love ☼
This is a test. This is a test.